
We all love eggs and we all love potatoes (and I love asparagus), so why not put them together? And to make the combination even better, we’ll throw in some herbs.  Herbed Potato and Egg Fritters, or 3ejeh in Arabic, is a savory breakfast pancake that has worked its way up to an any-time-of-day meal. All pancakes whether savory or sweet need a sauce and toppings. The ideal sauce for this dish is Labneh and the toppings can vary based on what you have on hand such as dill, radish, avocado, olives or any leafy green.



An all-day savory pancake with a prep time of 20 minutes and a combined cooking time of 20 minutes.


  • 1 egg

  • 1/4 cup of grated potatoes. Make sure to squeeze the water out of the potatoes after grating.

  • 1/4 cup chopped BABY asparagus

  • 4 baby spring onions, chopped finely

  • 1 cup finely chopped parsley and mint. (loosely pack 1 cup with whole parsley and mint leaves as a measurement, then chop them finely)

  • 1/2 tablespoon flour

  • 1 teaspoon of salt

  • 4 cracks of black pepper

  • Olive oil  


  1. In a large bowl, crack open the egg.

  2. Add the potatoes, asparagus, parsley, mint, flour, onions, salt and black pepper to the large bowl.

  3. Mix all the ingredient in the bowl together. 

  4. Place a skillet on the stovetop at medium high heat.

  5. Add olive oil to the skillet to cover the surface.

  6. When the oil is hot, ladle in a batch of batter.

  7. Spread the batter out with the tip of the ladle. The most surface area, the more caramelized the vegetables will get and the tastier it will be.

  8. Cook for 7 minutes on each side, until the bottoms are golden/crispy and can easily be picked up with a spatula. Repeat the cooking process until the batter is completed.

  9. You will end up with 2 -3 fritters. 

  10. Arrange the fritters on your serving dish and top them with labneh and fresh ingredients you have on hand like radish, more asparagus and lime. 

Photography, Recipe, Food Styling, Prop Styling by: TALA SOUBRA

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