I’m currently in my second week of New York, and second weeks come with getting comfortable and a little more:



  • Google Maps is opened a fewer amount of times.
  • I received an “I miss you” text from Uber since my Metro card is more in use.
  • Going the opposite direction I intended on the Metro doesn’t happen anymore… :)

Someone told me about a documentary called “New York: A Documentary Film”, it’s a 17-hour documentary about the history of NYC (Click Here). Who wants to watch this with me? I mention this now because it explains how the city incorporated the grid for its logistics.



  • @vkrees is a natural creative. She can create gorgeous photography, edit them so meticulously and have them ready for handover so smoothly. #inspired
  • There is A LOT for me to learn. My internship was initially set for 4 months, but I had to cut it down to 1 because of my job in Dubai.
  • I remember a moment where I couldn’t believe what I was doing, or where I was, and I felt my eyes tearing up. (They were happy tears) No one noticed, I quickly pulled myself together and continued assisting with a smile.
  • This is an internship in its truest form, cleaning up after shoots, taking out the trash and sweeping the floors. I enjoy working hard for what I want, so my clean up usually looks like the Risky Business Dance Scene. (Click Here)
  • I understand if I want my images in cookbooks, magazines, international digital platforms, I need the sharpness of strobe lighting.

We’re working on images for a vegan cookbook by @teryyhope who has published 10 cookbooks already! @marisanate, chef and recipe developer, is also on set helping with the food preparation. (Everyone is Vegan on set except me. I am the minority.) Through one of Terry’s recipes I was introduced to a Fagioli Soup. So Delicious! (Click Here



  • Brooklyn is homey and I’m very happy with my decision to stay here.
  • Apart from the cafés, restaurants and specialty stores, there’s a spot that has Sade Nights. A night where Sade is played throughout. How amazing! (Click Here)
  • I spent a morning with the grand Brooklyn Bridge and it was definitely an inspiring walk across. The bridge was a significant factory in transforming Brooklyn into a popular Manhattan suburb.
  • You can’t be in Brooklyn without learning about Gentrification, something I was just educated about. According to Wiki “Gentrification is a process of renovation of deteriorated urban neighborhoods by means of the influx of more affluent residents. Gentrification can improve the quality of a neighborhood, while also potentially forcing relocation of current, established residents and business…” On several occasions, when people were explaining Brooklyn’s landscape to me, they mentioned 10 years ago, it wouldn’t have been a good idea to be in this area or in that area. 10 years ago is a second away. Am I part of the gentrification with my coffee loving, café searching and laptop carrying self living in Brooklyn?

As @serenetouma once said, home is where your routine is. Two weeks in, I’m feeling a routine developing, and so, I’m feeling like Brooklyn is home.  

Location: Brooklyn, New York